The Ghost in Kenya

This will be along story… once I get my vision into text….really long and kind of obtuse for those who got geometry….you know what I mean….

Picture an ant on top of an anthill

Then put a face to it….
Lets say that face for now looks like UK

then imagine that one ant disintegrate into fragments
millions of them. Or thousands if you’re that myopic.

like ash…just like what you see on vampire movies at sunrise…all just drop to fine dust….

The dust will of course fall and fill the many open spaces within the ant hill.

Good.. now you get the picture

The dust does have the ghost….spirit of the ant on top.

Well conditioned… way way before 2011.

focused to function…. tamed to work… conditioned to activate…. right at the right time….( you know what I mean if you believe Brother Paul, or even our most recent gunshot victim is really really truly intent to save lives.

Or the ant and its busy bee partner kneeling before a preacher saying this or that about anointment…. or even the chief orange rebirth under one … prophet O**or.

Just remember .. ( sorry to disappoint so early in this long journey of ours… but the fact now will remain the fact once we are done) The Chief of darkness even said… worship me and al these kingdoms shall be delivered to you!

Or do you know that of the ..camel going through the eye of a needle??

The onset of this entire vibe is…. some parading in Uhuru park…

the onset .. ant\it is now sad history that he most promising in tis entire crew…. far right……..fell victim to the Ghosts….. more like taking out a knight in chess game to expose the King!  sadly if you are a true believer holding family first I hope (dismally so..though!! Yes..i don’t believe that gene works in the latter case from the happenings of Nyahururu this 24th day of May.) listens to reason that surpasses the vanity…that self exultation…. the overrides the obvious danger that lies ahead….


how many of you walk across the zebra crossing with a red light blinking?????


ant5..cobra ant3 cobra2 cobra3

For He that has ears let him hear…. and they that have eyes let them see…..

The seed having ben planted…we were bound to see a lesser venomous orange taking challenge to the viper ghost in a banana skin.  Ok I admit that imagery has been taken too far… but you get the point !!!!

The dust from then on kept trickling all the way to March 13.  yes…. if you lived in any of the estates in NRBI , Central….. you heard of the free KSh 500 just for registering….  ….that there is the dust trickling down….


Then come March…… it rains… the dust particles stick together….. and the ENTIRE ANT PARTICLES LINK UP!!! ALL THE WAY UP!!!!

HOLDING ARM TO ARM… ITEM TO ITEM.. CARD TO CARD… SYSTEM TO SYSTEM… BVR OR NO BVR…… THE BOND IS TOO STRONG… COME  THE DDAY…. …all that was needed was to flex the muscle.  ant Flexing indeed was done…what with the choppers and hard work…coast to lake… rombo to marsabit… lamu to loki….. tell me where the birds did not land and ill show you a liar. The cobra had taken the first warning strike…. the engulfing was a show of might… the choppers a demonstration of the determination.  The populous at a loss!!!!ant2 images imagesVBVE6UTT imagesVFAUNZBN



A little History to put things in perspective

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The oranges just formed the spacers in the system…. engulfed in total despair, sudden realization of a grand scheme born years earlier…… Decades you may say.


Join the dust particles…. in the ant hill… you will see the Ghost!ant 2





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